Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Illegal Narcotics Can Result In Terrorism

       It is no secret that is it very easy to purchase illegal drugs in America. Many of these narcotics are coming in through illegal drug smuggling over our southern boarder. This is damaging to our economy and increases the levels of crime and violence present on the streets. Drugs also harm the health of it users and ruins the lives of many young people. If we decreased immigration, the amount of drugs being filtered into our society would greatly decrease along with it.
         Drugs are not the only things being smuggled into this great country. Given the lack of major security at our boarders, terrorists could also come into American through Canada and Mexico just like illegal drugs do. This is extremely unsafe and would have devastating and lasting affects on Americans just as 911 did. The last thing we need is another attack on American soil. Especially one that could easily be prevented.