Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Illegal Immigrants Cost to America
(Number are borrowed from the Coalition Against Illegal Immigration)
1. The number of illegal immigrants estimated to be here are from 12-24+ mil!
2. 5+ million cheat the government out of over $35 Billion a year in income taxes
3. At the same time they receive $30 Billion a year in government benefits!
4. 96% of increased enrollment in public schools is due to immigration. Parents of those students contribute little or nothing in taxes to support education!
5. 2002 – American Hospital Assoc. paid $21 Billion in uncompensated healthcare..this does not include Government and private clinics costs. US Census Bureau 2003 report; 30.6% Hispanics vs. 9% other received means tested government benefits (welfare, healthcare, food stamps).
7. These 30.6% contributed NOTHING to the government while receiving benefits.
8. Taxpayers pay $12 Billion annually for illegal’s education. Add children born here to illegal parents = $28.6 Billion.
9. Providing dual language programs represents additional expense Of $290-$879 PER pupil PLUS free meals/books for illegal children in our classrooms.
10. 270,000 = number of illegal aliens spending time in our jails in 2003. 1 in 5 in our prison population are illegal aliens convicted of a felony AFTER entering our county illegally.
11. Illegal aliens displace approximately 730,000 American workers every year!
12. $20 BILLION in remittances sent back to Mexico last year! That’s a lot of $ taken out of our Economy to be sent home to their own
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Supposed Melting Pot
The United States of American used to be a melting pot of many different kinds of people coming together to make one Great Nation. Now it is replaced by many divided cultures. Immigrants are no longer interested in assimulating. They maintain their own individualy culture and benefits off of what America has to offer without contributing to it. Many will even go as far as to mock and laugh at the American citizens after they have been hurt by one of their alien friends.
Secure Fence Act of 2006
Signed by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2006
“This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform."This bill authorized 700 miles of additional fencing to be built along the Mexico-America border as well as checkpoints, more lighting and vehicle barriers. The Department of Homeland Security would also be permitted to use cameras, satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce the border. The goal of these new precautions is to cut off vehicle transportation of illegal immigrants into American that could be carrying drugs or terrorists. Anyone who wants to enter this country will either be forced to do so legally or risk traveling long distances on foot.
Although this fence will not provide a continuous barrier, it will certainly provide a deterrence and prevent a percentage of immigrants from crossing the border illegally. This fence was designed to provide safetly to all Americans and prevent illegal immigrants from being able to easily enter this country. The building of this fence will also give jobs to many American citizen during hard economic times.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Arizona SB 1070
Signed by Governor Brewer on April 23. 2010
The Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act was a federal legislative act in Arizona that required all aliens over the age of 14 who remain in the United States for longer than 30 days to register with the U.S. government, and to have registration documents in their possession at all times. Law enforcement was required to determine the persons status when they were stopped durning a "lawful stop, detention or arrest." If they were assumed to be an immigrant, the enforcement officer would then be permitted to ask for their documents. If for some reason valid documentation was not produced, they were charged with a misdemeanor. The person detained would be then mandated to pay a fine and serve an allotted number of days behind bars.
This piece of legislation helped to cracked down on anyone helping, hiring, transporting or sheltering illegal immigrants within the state of Arizona. It made it significantly harder to live within the state of Arizona and not be a legal immigrant and have proper documentation to be here. Legal challenges are constantly causing problems with this legislation. Many people don't agree with the fact that it gives the enforcement officers the right to racially profile these people but in my opinion that is the only way to ensure this nation isn't being overrun by illegal immigration. If a person is not here legally, they should not be here at all.
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