Draining Societies Wealth

Illegal immigrants who become ill have to go to the hospital to receive care instead of a local physician. Because they don't have health care, we, as American citizens, have to pay for them to receive care through our taxes. This is not fair because we work for everything that we have and then they benefit from our hard work. Providing
universal health care to everyone deprives citizens of adequate needed care and the service received greatly decreases. Citizens shouldn't have to wait on extremely long lines to access the doctors they need. Many will also hesitate to become doctors because they don't like the environment they would be working in.

Although most people refuse to admit it, it is no secret that illegal immigrants drain American resources. They deplete many institutions such as
school systems, health care, jobs and the depression of wages, law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Many live in low income housing and decrease the selling prices of the neighbors surrounding these areas. Since there are many immigrants living within one apartment (more then legally allowed) they can easily combined their resources and afford to pay the rent. As a result, the rent is inflated and it becomes too expense for one working citizen to live in the same sized apartment. The only way to make housing affordable for citizens is to decrease illegal immigration.
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ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, Michelle. It is completely unfair that working American citizens should be forced to pay hard earned money to take care of illegal immigrants! The high number of illegal immigrants is leading to an increase in unemployed American citizens, which is not right either. I have nothing against allowing immigrants into our country, as long as it happens legally. It is the cultural diversity caused by immigration that has made America what it is today. Unfortunately, I think the higher number of illegal immigrants has given all immigrants a bad stigma in society, even if they are here legally. Illegal immigration needs to be stopped.