Monday, March 19, 2012

America 'A Country of Immigrants'

             No rational person will ever try to deny the fact that a vast majority of present day American citizens ancestors were once immigrants from somewhere else. America is made up of people from other countries trying to seek safety within the open arms of our boarders.
            The only difference is from today's situation is that those people came here legally. Many traveled by boat and then passed through Ellis Island in order to come within our borders. Our ancestors didn't sneaked under or over a fence and hide here illegally. They came from places of persecution and legally traveled here to escape their past. If a person comes to this country and plans to stay for long periods of time, they are under the obligation to act like any other citizen would and pay the taxes set by the United States government. It is not fair to others that illegal immigrants are accepting the benefits of this country without contributing. If no one contributed to the well being of this country as a whole, then there would be no benefits to accept.

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